As the old saying goes, “two heads are better than one”. There is so much great information out there today whether it’s a teleseminar, workshop or conference. You know you need to keep growing and learning if you want to stay on top of your game but who has the time? With everything you have to do on a daily basis you just can’t squeeze in one more thing right? So why not let your VA be your second set of eyes and ears?

Your VA can do more than complete projects and perform daily administrative tasks. She can also be you when you’re not available.

Virtual Events
If there’s a teleseminar, webinar or online workshop coming up that you’d really like to attend, sign up and give the login information to your VA. Let her know the date and time so she can schedule the time to attend. She can ask any questions you’d like her to or simply take notes and present you with a report on the highlights.

Local or Long Distance Events
If you know of a conference in town or even in a different state, ask your VA if she would like to attend on your behalf. Not only could she get great information for you from the various speakers but also make valuable contacts for you by being a representative of your company. Some conferences that even suggest you send your VA or accompany her if time and budget permit. This option is especially helpful if you have two events happening at the same time and would like to attend them both but you can only choose one. Have your VA go to the other one and you can have a meeting upon returning to discuss what you learned.

Books and Programs
Do you have a stack of books you’ve been meaning to read but haven’t been able to get to? How about programs or systems that you’ve purchased to help you in your business? Many of us are guilty of spending money on these products but never seem to find the time to get to them. Why not send them to your VA to read or go through? Your VA can give you the highlights of what she has learned and even work with you to implement strategies to help you build your business. You’re not only getting good information for your own business but you’re also helping her improve her business by giving her access to tools and resources which will only benefit you in the long run.

So the next time you wish you could clone yourself and be two places at the same time, know that you can with the help of a VA.

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Your Video Secret Weapon: Create Videos in Minutes Using AI Video Tools

Presented by The Video Godfather himself, Lou Bortone.

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