Too much to do and so little time?

Does that sound like you? You have so much to do that you are only doing bits and pieces of each thing and accomplishing nothing. You aren’t alone. Many business owners believe they have to do it all rather than ask for help, not realizing if they could better...

Communicating – Are You Doing It?

Whether we are discussing our personal lives or our work environment, lack of communication seems to be the number one problem many of us have. When speaking to other VA’s I have heard that a frustrating part of doing business with their clients is their lack of...

Team Up for Big Results!

Thomas Edison was once asked why he had a team of twenty-one assistants. He replied, “if I could solve all the problems myself, I would.” Many entrepreneurs these days know the value of having a virtual assistant. But what about multiple VAs? Perhaps Mr....

Your Virtual Assistant Doesn’t Have to Live Next Door

Whether you have an established VA or are looking to hire one; you must always be thinking forward; what type of work you will assign, how you will communicate the tasks and how the work will be done. You want a VA you can easily communicate with. A VA who can follow...