I recently started using Instagram in my business to get more leads and here’s my journey so far…

I have to say at first I was a bit overwhelmed thinking about adding another social media network into my marketing arsenal but now that I have I’m glad I did. My mission right now is to grow my followers and build my email list which is what I’m focused on this past month, ergo, doing my due diligence and reading whatever I can get my hands online to learn how!

During my research I came across this awesome FREE REPORT on 21 powerful ways to use Instagram to get more clients. It is filled with twenty-one ideas to get YOU started in creating excitement via Instagram.

Stated in this FREE REPORT…”Your Instagram feed should never be the mental equivalent of “…and here’s holiday photo number one-hundred-and-forty-one, me and Bill in Torremolinos. And that’s me and Bill down by the beach. And me and Bill…” Instead, it should make your followers happy every time you post”,

You should always be on the lookout for creative ways to do this, and have as much fun on Instagram as your followers will have with your posts.  I highly recommend reading this FREE Report and start implementing the ideas right away to find results with Instagram:


Let me show you just a few of the tips in this FREE Instagram report that I’ve already implemented into my Instagram account and seen returns for my efforts!  (Make sure you follow me on Instagram to watch the changes as I implement them)

Notice that I’ve stated my one-sentence mission statement saying what I do (Market Leader), who I do it for (Virtual Assistants) and why (Resources & Training + to get clients). I even have my own hashtag now #VAforum 😉

I also have a NEW call to action (www.VAnetworking.com/FREEstuff) that funnels right into my list building marketing efforts. YAY! Now my list is growing from my interaction on my Instagram posts instead of just sending anonymous traffic to my website.

I’ve also started to consistently brand my quotes/tips photos with my look and feel that are actually getting likes!

AND I’m making use of #hashtags that relate to my topic and brand like #virtualassistant or #outsourcing.

In this post above I’m using another tip by offering FREE stuff to my users which so far is getting lots of fun responses and follows plus leading customers directly into my email list. We all know the $$$ is in the list! 😉

I’ve even added follow buttons to my website in a few different areas to get people to follow me. Not to mention writing this blog post about Instagram to entice people to follow me … don’t forget to do that! 😉

AND…I’m not just promoting on Instagram either else people would stop following me quickly if that was all I was doing.

I’m also sharing a bit of my private “ADVENTUROUS” side too which I don’t do much on Facebook. (I share this type of stuff on Instagram and not on Facebook as my Mom doesn’t use Instagram so this way she won’t see pics of me riding a motorcycle and worry about me LOL). This has had the effect of pushing my Facebook users to also engage with me on Instagram to see a crazier, more adventurous rebel side of Tawnya.

My bets are that you didn’t know I had my motorcycle license and loved to ride 😉

I am really enjoying implementing all the 21 ideas in this FREE REPORT into my Instagram account and I’m going to encourage you to grab it while it is free and do the same for your business.


For more fun adventures with me, I’ll see you on Instagram 😉


To Your Virtual $uccess,

Tawnya Sutherland, CIMBS
Founder of VAnetworking.com
*The Market Leader For Virtual Assistants Worldwide*

Share in comments below ways you’ve got more clients using Instagram I’d love to hear about them and learn from you too!


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