3 Webinar Tips I Got From A Basketball GameI recently went to a Charlotte Bobcats game with my family. It was the Bobcats vs the Oklahoma City Thunder. Earlier in the week, my plan was to get a Nathan’s hotdog and cotton candy. Yes, that’s what I was looking forward to at an NBA game. However, I ended up getting nothing at all.

You see, this was the first time I’ve been to a game since about 2007. It was quite different than previous times.

I was with my husband which made it extra fun but I started noticing things that I hadn’t noticed before.

At the beginning of the game they show a cool intro video of the city and team. It made me proud to be from the city of Charlotte seeing downtown and different venues on the big screen. I thought wow, my city is pretty cool isn’t it?

In fact, I whipped out my phone and looked up the video on YouTube. Something that wouldn’t have happened in 2007. Because: (1) my phone wasn’t smart back then and (2) I don’t think they were doing cool videos to kickoff the game.

You’ve got to see the video:


My wheels started to turn immediately. This intro video drew me, a non-fan of basketball, into what was going on. I was excited to see what was coming next. Then the lights dimmed and spotlights were shining everywhere as they announced each team’s starting lineup.

Instantly I thought of the possibilities in regards to this entertainment and how it relates to an online event.

In the introduction of your webinar,  you want to draw your audience in and get them excited about what you have to share, show or teach. And not just people who have been following you or working with you for a while, but people who are encountering you for the first time.

Recently, I was listening to Pat Flynn’s podcast episode regarding public speaking (http://www.smartpassiveincome.com/public-speaking-tips-braindump/). He shared that presenting a video at the beginning of your talk can help people focus on you. And here they were doing that very thing at the basketball game.

Tip #1: Use something creative and interesting to start your presentation that gets your audience interested, focused, and curious about what’s coming next.

Later during one of the timeouts, another video was played. This one gave a behind the scenes look into the personality of the players. It was called Locker Room Confidential.  In it, the players shared a song they are listening to on their iPods. It was funny to hear that some of the guys liked Garth Brooks and Miley Cyrus’ Party In The USA.

They got me again…

This video caused me to look up from my phone or whatever I was doing at the time and pay attention to the jumbotron. We got a peek into the personal side of the players helping us all connect even more. Prior to the game, I couldn’t name one player, however after this video, I can now share what type of music they like.

Tip #2: Share your personal side during your presentations. Don’t make it all talk.

Connection is what helps build the relationships long after the webinar is over. It’s what helps your emails get opened because they know your name versus a snazzy headline. And that’s not to say that headline’s aren’t important.

Lastly, they got us all involved and up off our feet during various times of the game. Whether it was dancing to the music being played in anticipation of the Dance Cam, praying you wouldn’t get selected for the Kiss Cam, or making noise when instructed to do so, there was something going on to make us all a part of the big event.

Tip #3: Make your event interactive where your audience participates and engages with you during the presentation.

It can be as simple as asking a yes or no question and having them click to raise their hand within the webinar screen. Or ask a question and instruct everyone to post their answers in the chat box. Think of something that will cause engagement.

Webinars are what you make them to be. It’s your ‘party’ you can do what you want to do IF you are providing value that people want.

We had a lot of fun at the basketball game and as you can see it had a lasting impression on me even though our home team lost the game.

Guest Blogger: Tiffany Parson is CEO and Founder of Virtual Hired Hand, specializing in creating click through funnels for non-techie business owners. She is a WordPress Consultant & Virtual Assistant Coach/Trainer. Pop over to her website to grab her free video training on “Mapping Your Click Through Funnel”

Tiffany Parson will be speaking at our Virtual Assistant Online Conference November 16-20th. Got Your Ticket Yet?

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