The last time you went to a networking event, or held down a booth at a tradeshow, did you follow up with the people you met?

The last time you met someone interested in your business while you were standing in line at the coffee shop, did you get their card and actually get in touch with them again?

How many website leads do you get but never reply to? What about those contacts you forward information to after they request it. Do you let them go off and be forgotten, or do you get in touch with them again?

Follow up is such a crucial part of business, yet so many people hate it and therefor don’t do it.

This is another simple task to delegate to a VA. You can either send them names and contact info via phone, fax or email or courier your business cards to them. Your VA can take the next step for you and follow up with these precious leads! Each business card you collect should be respected and treasured – not stuck underneath a coffee mug on your desk to be forgotten.

Delegate your follow up. It’s very easy…trust me!

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