As a loyal reader of my blog, I just want to give you a quick HEADS UP about an amazing LIVE online event that’s happening right now!

bestsellerssummitDOORS OPEN & SALE STARTS at 11 AM Eastern, Monday, January 11th. for $17.


On January 14th, the pricing goes to too! That is if there are any tickets left LOL!
(Limited spots available for you to grab a seat….because at $17 a seat they are going to sell out quickly plus price goes up on 18th!)

If you’re interested in building an audience hungry for your books or information products, then you need to attend this event!

January is the month for New Year’s resolutions. One of the top resolutions is “I’m FINALLY going to be a successful author.”

However, hitting that level of success can be a daunting task. If it were easy, why would it be a New Year’s resolution, right? Well, it CAN happen, if you have the right knowledge and mentoring. Even if you haven’t written that book or information product you’ve been thinking about.

My good friends NY Times Best Selling Author Ron Douglas and content marketing expert Alice Seba have assembled a panel of experts that will help you achieve that resolution by growing an audience for your book or information product.

These experts will speak at the four day live online Best Sellers Summit workshop, starting January 18 at noon EST.

What kind of experts am I talking about? How about:


  • Famous publicity expert Alex Mandossian
  • Content marketing expert Alice Seba
  • Millionaire author/marketer Anthony Morrison
  • Internet marketing authority Armand Morin
  • Founder Colin Theriot
  • Fast publishing expert Daniel Hall
  • JVZoo founder & author E. Brian Rose
  • Communication/networking pro Felicia Slattery
  • NY Times Best Selling Author Joel Comm
  • Social media/blogging expert Lynn Terry
  • Persuasive writing authority Michel Fortin
  • NY Times Best Selling Author Ron Douglas
  • Long term income expert Ryan Lee
  • Podcast audience builder Sam Crowley
  • Publicity/branding guru Shannon Cherry
  • Kindle cash flow expert Ty Cohen

These industry leaders are going to share experience-based knowledge that you need to know for succeeding in this new year.

Now, mentoring like this would normally cost thousands of dollars per expert. Attending a 4 day event in person would cost thousands in ticket prices, travel, hotel, etc.

become-an-authorHowever, Ron and Alice are doing this ONLINE, so you can get the full benefits of an expert panel like this, at a fraction of the price.

GO HERE to grab your Ticket!

*Monday at 11AM EST*

Click the Buy button for your exclusive subscriber discount!

NOTE: This discount only lasts for a short time, the price IS going up BEFORE the 18th, so get your ticket NOW.

You owe it to yourself to start 2016 right with the smart decision to attend Best Sellers Summit!

Share with us whether you are writing a book or not in 2016? We’d love to hear what it is about and share in your excitement 🙂

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