Modern technology is an amazing thing filled with wonderful ways to say thank you. For example, you can send a previous client a thank you e-card for their business. You can also send them birthday greetings, slide shows, and numerous other things with a click of a mouse, definitely cost-effective. But did you know that sending a personal hand written greeting card and/or gift-item via regular snail mail absolutely does wonders!


People in general love surprises and what better way to say thank you than sending someone a real gift by mail! While utilizing modern technology is wonderful, it is simply not the same as receiving an in live and in color gift! Not only does this help you keep in contact with your previous clients and customers, it makes them feel appreciated; keeps your name in front of them, and you can bet that they WILL remember you! But how does one go a bit beyond a thank you card without breaking the bank? While we’d all love to give clients and customers luxurious gifts, not all of us can logically afford to do this. The following is a list of gifts that your Virtual Assistant can definitely handle for you. These gifts are extremely well-received and you do not have to spend a fortune at that!


Remember that a Virtual Assistant can do a lot for you and your business and this is no exception. If you lack the time to do this on your own, hand it over to your VA!

  • Wrap a pen in a clear cello bag with a bag topper, you can use your business card as the topper, and punch a hole into the upper corner of the card adding a pretty bow through the hole. The same can be done with a pen set, notepad, etc. This is something that anyone can and will use, and each time they use your pen or notepad they will remember you.
  • Candy bar wrappers are fun and enjoyable for everyone and can be printed out from your computers. Get a few Hershey chocolate bars and use colored cardstock to make your wrappers. Add a few embellishments, such as ribbon, glittered stick-on designs, and once again either your business card or design your business information on the wrapper. You can use any type of cello bag to put them in, tie with colorful ribbon and possibly some tulle and you have an instant thank you gift that will be well received. Who doesn’t love chocolate!
  • Getting a little more elaborate you can add all of the above into one big set. For example, take a blank thank you card with a design on it; add a piece of cardstock on the front of the card with your business information on it. (Designed to your liking). Match the card design with the pen, notepad, and chocolate bars and you have a ready made beautiful thank you set to give to a client. Place everything in a basket and you are all set!

Let your imaginations pave the way to a little creativeness and you will find that thank you gifts do not have to be ultra expensive to look fabulous!  The smallest of gifts will go a very long way and will keep you in the minds and hearts of your clients and customers!

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