As a professional copywriter, I’ve seen my share of copywriting mistakes.

One that seems to be particularly common is writing copy that’s “upside down.” When you do this – when you don’t relay your message in the correct order – you lose your audience’s attention, and the sale!

You’ve probably seen copy that reads something like:

Professional Virtual Assistant Services

For over seven years, we have been providing virtual assistant services to the global community. With a proven history of excellence, you are guaranteed quality when you select ABC Company for your virtual assistant needs. You’ll find your load lightened, your schedule freed, and your business day more organized so you can spend your time making money instead of chasing your tail. Virtual assistants allow you to do more of what you love to do.

What’s important in this paragraph? Yes, experience (“…over seven years…”) is necessary. And quality (“…you are guaranteed quality…”) is vital. But what is it that will catch the attention and deliver the true message about virtual assistants?

It’s this section: “You’ll find your load lightened, your schedule freed, and your business day more organized so you can spend your time making money instead of chasing your tail. Virtual assistants allow you to do more of what you love to do!” So – if this is the most important part – why is it at the end? Because the copy is upside down, that’s why.

Let’s rework this section of copy and turn it right side up so it will grab the reader’s attention and make him/her understand what virtual assistants *really* do.

Professional Virtual Assistants Lighten Your Load

Tired of running around, feeling like you’re out of control? Have too much to do and not enough time to do it. Those are the situations where virtual assistants are a lifesaver! By using a professional virtual assistant, you’ll find your load lightened, your schedule freed, and your business day more organized. You’ll be able to spend your time making money instead of chasing your tail. Virtual assistants allow you to do more of what you love to do.

For over seven years, we have been providing Virtual Assistant services to the global community. With a proven history of excellence, you are guaranteed quality when you select ABC Company for your virtual assistant needs.

See the difference?

We’ve hit a nerve. We’ve gotten the readers’ attention right up-front by appealing to their emotional needs and wants. We’ve shown them the end result of using this virtual assistant service, and then backed it up with facts.

I know I say it over and over, but it’s a true statement… Most buying decisions are emotional so your copy should be, too.

When writing any type of advertising copy, remember to place your best information up top (right side up), instead of at the bottom (upside down) where it may, or may not, be read. When you do, you’ll get greater readership and more sales.

Join Karon Thackston in our NEW Virtual Assistant Specialty Education Series (VASES): Writing Website Copy that Ranks High & Gets More Clients! Starting October 10th, 2011, this 6 week training program by a copywriting expert will teach you how to write copy that not only will sell your services but will rank your services webpage high in the search engines to boot! Your clients will NOW not only find you, they’ll start begging you to help them with their website copy. AND we all know what that means? More $ervice hours for you, the VA!


Karon is now sharing her knowledge with you through this insightful course available exclusively through VAnetworking.

Seats are limited so REGISTER EARLY to hold your seat!


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