Hiring a business coach is a strategic next step for most sole proprietors, not just Virtual Assistants!

If you think about it, no CEO does everything alone when it comes to running a business. They have assistants and advisers and many people that help keep them focused on and on track. A lot of times they also have a board of directors that create the focus and goals for them. They only have to implement them.virtual-assistant-coach

A business coach can be like a board of directors who helps you keep your business on track based on your stated goals. It doesn’t matter where you are in your business’s development – a business coach can be useful for many reasons.

1. You Need Help Getting Started

If you’re still in start-up phase in your VA business, finding a business coach who specializes in start-up of a business like yours can be invaluable. Especially someone who has been there and done it in the virtual assistant world because they already know the steps to take and how to direct you.

2. You Need a Push to the Next Level

Once you’ve built your Virtual Assistant business to a particular level, it can be uncomfortable to push through to the next stage. But a trained and experienced business coach can give you the guidance and push (shove if needed) to move your business up a level. When you share your goals, they’ll help you create steps to reach them.

3. You Are Stuck

Sometimes a Virtual Assistant just gets stuck and has no idea at all what they need to do to move forward. Sometimes they’re not even sure if they even want to move forward anymore. If you are stuck, and bored, and unsure of your direction, a business coach can help guide you and give you clarity.

4. You Have a Problem with Focus

Many Virtual Assistants suffer from “shiny object syndrome” which is dangerous to the direction of the business. It can hold back a VA from achieving success because they’re always starting something new instead of finishing each project. A business coach can help you avoid this issue.

5. You Need to Have More Balance

Are you working more in your business and not spending time with your family? Or, is your family intruding on your working hours so that you cannot become successful in your business? Either way, a good business coach can help you reach balance so that you have a good life.

6. You Need to Find Your Purpose

Not sure yet what your “why” is regarding doing your business? If you have that problem, a good business coach can help you identify why you are doing what you’re doing and better focus on your unique selling proposition and target audience.

7. You Need Help with Plan Development

Every business owner needs a plan of action. A business coach won’t make your plans for you but they can help you narrow down what is essential and what is not so that your plan is easy to implement.

8. You Need Accountability

Being a Virtual Assistant has its advantages but it also has many risks, including the fact that you’re not accountable to anyone. Having someone to whom you’re accountable and who isn’t afraid to call you out when necessary is an essential way to create a successful business.

These are all great reasons to hire a business coach as soon as possible. Waiting around to hire a business coach is just making the success you seek further from your grasp. The sooner you hire an educated and experienced business coach, the sooner you’ll reach all your goals.

Whether you are a Virtual Assistant who is just starting out and needs some rock-solid advice “What next?” Or you already have a VA business but you’re feeling really STUCK in your entrepreneurial growth … Let me help motiVAte YOU to clear the clutter and take revenue-generating action in 2016!

I can’t stand to see smart, hardworking women (and men) like you suffering and struggling in your VA businesses. Because you really don’t have to! Had I known 14 years ago what I just started to figure out SEVEN years ago I’d have grown my businesses twice as quickly. (And with half the heartache!)

Wouldn’t it be great to cut YOUR “learning curve” by half?

Again and again, in my coaching discussions with Virtual Assistants, I see that the knowledge and wisdom I’ve acquired over the years is TEACHABLE. And the challenges inherent to starting a VA business are COACHABLE.

I’d love to help you LEAP OVER the roadblocks that are stopping you from achieving your dreams of being a highly successful Virtual Assistant. So that it doesn’t take you 10 years to reach your business goals!

I’ve personally coached 100’s of Virtual Assistants since 2003. I don’t hold anything back with my protégés. I give everything I have and then some. Virtual Assistants who work with me one-on-one get the full benefit of my skills, experience and PASSION for helping them succeed online in this increasingly competitive industry.

A decade+ of skills, experience and some hard knocks too! I’m ready to share my hard-won wisdom with YOU. Because there is no faster way to business success than having a devoted, caring mentor at your side. (I wish I had one of those 14 years ago!)

Here are 2 Coaching Options for YOU…

1. BEST DEAL! Private 1-on-1 MotiVAtor Coaching Sessions – Through these private sessions with me, you will receive objective feedback on your business processes and marketing, your “next big thing” ideas for growth, and HOW to set and achieve bigger and bigger goals—financial or otherwise. I’ll help you put together the missing pieces. I’ll answer your questions and will motivate you so that nothing can hold you back, allowing your VA business to thrive and grow. In the end, my desire is for you to have the VA business that gives you the lifestyle you want.


2. BUDGET DEAL! Get Clients Club Strategic Group Coaching – I love engaging with other Virtual Assistants through our monthly Group Coaching sessions at my Get Clients Club. I feel it’s super important to be held accountable and motiVAted to think at a deeper level and to share your successes and tribulations in a comfortable and friendly group environment. These sessions usually have up to 15 attendees, last 1-2 hours and are held monthly.


Bottom Line: Sparking a change in your VA business couldn’t be any easier than this, so listen to your intuition and let me motivate you to higher levels of success in your business that you’ve always wanted today.

To Your Virtual $uccess,

Tawnya Sutherland, CIMBS

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