facebook-fansFacebook is a simple yet effective way to promote your business as it allows you the opportunity to reach billions of people with the click of a button.

The goal of any business is to make money but to do that you have to convert your fans into customers.

This isn’t as difficult as it sounds, though.

Here are 10 different ways to maximize the potential of your social media following.

1. Offer a FREE sample to your friends on Facebook if they SHARE your post/video to their list of friends.

For example: I’ve been giving away samples of my new product “Instantly Ageless” that I’m selling online that makes you look 10 years younger in just 2 minutes. How? I just tell my friends that if they share my video post on my Facebook to their timeline I’ll mail them out a freebie sample of this amazing product. Everyone loves getting something for next to nothing so win/win. Asking for this small exchange between friends has had 10 times a better return for me than any Facebook Ad I’ve ever paid for. All for the small cost of a sample and a postage stamp. Cheap marketing for me and better ROI 😉

sampleblogWant a freebie sample of Instantly Ageless??

First: You’ll have to friend me on Facebook so you can tag me on your timeline.

Second: Share my video on your Facebook timeline. Simply copy the URL link below into your post on your Facebook timeline and my video will show up.


You can then delete the link to the video in your post (video will stay there don’t worry) and just share your own thoughts (ie: I can’t wait to get my sample of Instantly Ageless in the mail from Tawnya or whatever you’d like to say).

Don’t forget to tag me so I know to contact you to get your mailing info to send out your freebie sample.

VOILA! By simply asking your friends to do a small favour like share your post or video on their timeline to their friends you can really expand your audience for any of your services or products for a fraction of the cost of Facebook Ads.

Go ahead, get your freebie sample from me by sharing my video on your Facebook wall. 😉

2. Offering a Free Product If They Like Your Page

Everyone likes free stuff and this is a common practice when it comes to Facebook. Offer your customers something free if they like your page, such as promotional material like a sticker or anything that relates to your business. This builds trust and trust builds sales.

3. Discounts for Fans

You want to reward your fans for keeping in touch with your page, so give them something special. Discounts that are exclusive to the people who like your page make your fans feel that they’re getting something that isn’t available to everyone, which motivates them to buy.

4. Give Them an Inside Look

No one wants to think of a business as a faceless entity. Give people an inside look into your operation and the people behind it. Showcasing the fact that your business and its employees are human will help people feel more connected to you.

5. Get Testimonials from Customers

When it comes to promoting a business, there’s no stronger way to do it than by word of mouth. Facebook pages have an option which allows your customers to leave reviews on your page. Make sure to implement this because a few positive reviews could help you see a big increase in your customer base.

6. Hold a Contest

Contests are always a good way to get people involved. Get creative with it. You need referrals, so ask people to refer their friends to your page and give the person who refers the most people some sort of reward.

7. Get People to Interact

A Facebook page that is just constantly talking about the business side of things can get monotonous. Don’t be afraid to go off topic from time to time and get personal with people. Start conversations and get people talking. The more they interact with you, the more they will trust your brand.

8. Build an Email List

Social media marketing is a great way to promote your business but it can also be used as a way to incorporate other forms of marketing such as an email list. Encourage people to sign up for your email list by promising them deals which will be exclusive to members of the list.

9. Create Content They Can Share

Your Facebook fans can be your secret weapon when it comes to promoting your business. Using them to promote your business for you is a great way to get new customers. Be sure to create content that your fans can share in order to attract new ones.

10. Promote Events

Don’t be afraid to get face to face with people. Organizing an event for your business or becoming a part of an event which is already taking place is a great way to get to know people. Use your Facebook as a way to meet people in real life by encouraging them to attend an event which you might also be attending.

When it comes to promoting yourself on Facebook, there are plenty of ways to do it. All of the methods above are great ways to create loyalty between your fans and your business. There’s guaranteed to be something in this list that gets you results, so try these ideas out and discover what works for you.

To Your Virtual $uccess!

Tawnya Sutherland, CIMBS
Founder of VAnetworking.com
*The Market Leader For Virtual Assistants Worldwide*

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