Are you an entrepreneur who has created one or maybe even several programs? Perhaps you’ve started a mentorship program, taught or are planning on teaching a series of classes or developed a system for helping others achieve success. If you have, or are planning to in the future, why not let your VA participate free of charge? The word “free” might send chills running down your spine. Why in the world would you want to give anything away for nothing? The answer is why wouldn’t you take a step in creating greater success for yourself by including your VA?

VBSS-175Perhaps you’ve delegated certain tasks to your VA over a period of time for different projects. She may have been working on components of a project behind the scenes but has never seen the whole picture put together the way your clients do when they buy and use your product. Your VA is excellent at what she does, after all that’s why you hired her. But what if she were able to use the product or participate in the program as if she were one of your clients?

She Wins
By using the product she can do the personal work it requires thereby increasing her knowledge which she can apply to her business. By doing so, she will become more successful in her business and personal life. But your VA is not the only person who benefits:

You Win
Because your VA has this newfound knowledge which you’ve provided for her she can not only apply it to her own business, she can also apply the principles to your business. Even though you may already be practicing what you preach so to speak, having another person on your side that “gets it” is a huge advantage for you. This means things get done quicker and more smoothly because there is a greater understanding of the vision, the process and the end result.

In addition by going through one of your programs your VA will have a better understanding of what it is you do and what you’re all about which will allow her to help you with other projects in the future.

Another advantage for you is that your VA will no doubt be excited about your product while she is working through it and once she has completed it. Excited people tell other people. That could mean more sales for you that you might not have seen otherwise.

What to Offer
The following are just a few examples of the kinds of things you can offer your VA for mutual success:
-Books or Ebooks you have written
-Teachings on CD or in MP3 Format
-Video copies of live seminars you have done
-Free access to your membership site
-Free entry into your mentorship program
-Access to past or present ecourses you are offering

But I Don’t Have Anything to Offer
That’s OK. Now is the time! Your VA is there to brainstorm with you to put some of these ideas in motion. Once you have a plan in place, she can help you to develop the products, launch and promote them.

By giving your VA access to what it is that you do and helping her to be successful, you are helping yourself and your business at the same time. It’s a win-win!

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