
If you were around in the 80’s you might remember Tom Selleck in Magnum, PI, the cool, calm and collected private investigator who collected all the facts, uncovered the clues and solved the mysteries. Well I like to think of Virtual Assistants as the Magnum PI’s of the internet marketing world delving behind the scenes to find new tools that can enhance the way you market on the web. Does the analogy fit? Read on and find examples of how a Virtual Assistant can enhance your Twitter marketing and more.

A Twitter Newbie: So you’ve finally made it to Twitter but you’d really like to connect with like-minded people but don’t know how to find them. Twello and WeFollow are two great sites for your VA to investigate first. By using specific keywords, it’s simple to find people with something in common. Take it a step further by looking for people that your friends or colleagues follow on Twubble. Within no time flat, and with your VA’s help, you’ll have a good base of people to follow on Twitter.

Network in Your Community: Twitter is not just about connecting with friends and colleagues at a distance; it’s useful for backyard networking as well. TwelloHood is the “Google maps” of Twitter allowing you to pinpoint Twitter users by topic or name. Give your VA some parameters to search like relevant keywords or a specific niche and she/he can create a great list of individuals to follow. You never know, these local “tweeters” may turn into joint venture partners, colleagues or clients; all due to your VA’s keen insights.

Follow and be Followed: Maybe you are at the point where your Twitter account could use some spring cleaning. You’ve got a huge fan base but you’ve lost track of the followers and who you should be following. With a nifty tool called FriendorFollow, your Virtual assistant can uncover:

  • Who you are following that’s not following you back
  • Who’s following you that you’re not following back

And with the click of a mouse, you’re back on track.

Measure You’re Tweets: If you don’t already have a Google Analytics account, ask your VA to set one up and monitor your Twitter traffic. Many people think that Twitter can be a waste of time but statistics can tell all!

Well there you have it! These are just a few of the tasks that a Virtual Assistant can carry out to enhance your Twitter marketing. And the best thing about it – no requirements to have a fancy red sports car, short shorts and a large mustache are necessary – unlike the “fab” Magnum PI.

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