Online summits are all the rage these days and for good reason. Your audience is easily served by not having to purchase airline tickets to attend a live event. They don’t need to set aside travel expenses or arrange childcare in order to travel. And yet they still receive all the expertise of your speakers for the simple cost of a strong internet connection.

As a summit host, YOU also gain credibility points by attracting all these experts to your online venue. You also grow your list with registrations plus attain more social media followers when the speakers start promoting your event. Take it from me, I’ve hosted my online summit 20 times now for Virtual Assistants and you gain all this plus some good money. 😉

However, if you’ve never hosted a webinar before, jumping into a summit can be overwhelming. Instead of bagging the summit idea, take a look at this webinar training program by my Virtual Assistant Danielle at ProactiveBlueprints.

How to Host Profitable Online Summits

What will you learn you ask?

Here are the 10 Video Training Modules which go into great depth on each topic:

  • What is a Webinar?
  • Why Host Webinars?
  • What Does Your Audience Want?
  • Planning Your Webinar
  • Outsourcing
  • Building Your Marketing Funnel
  • Your Presentation
  • Guest Speakers
  • Promo Time
  • Repurposing After the Webinar

Imagine having all the tools to WOW your audience and convert them into paying clients with webinars…how cool would that be?

Not to mention imagine being able to offer this NEW service skill to your clients too?

AND because Danielle loves VAnetworking so much, she’s given me an exclusive coupon code to offer you $50 off her training program.

Learn more about Proactive Webinars by clicking here

To get $50 OFF please USE Coupon Code: VANETWORKING

Upon registration, you’ll also receive access to done-for-you templates and checklists to make putting together your webinar a breeze.

  • Webinar Checklist and Outsourcing Guide
  • Webinar Outline Guide and Worksheet
  • Webinar Schedule Template
  • Day of Webinar Checklist (Download this one for FREE right now)
  • Marketing Funnel Planning Worksheet
  • Registration Opt-in Page Template
  • Thank You Page Template
  • Guest Speaker Brainstorming Worksheet
  • Webinar Promotional Email Templates
  • Reminder and Follow Up Email Templates
  • Affiliate Recruitment Email Template
  • Speaker Release Form
  • Social Media Post Templates
  • Webinar Powerpoint Template
  • Technology and Resource Guide

Webinars are an excellent way to communicate with your audience and convey a sense of immediacy and involvement. They allow you to…

  • Reach people all over the world
  • From trust and build relationships with your audience
  • Position yourself as an expert in your niche
  • Increase your revenue

REGISTER TODAY HERE and get $50 off with coupon code: VANETWORKING

Danielle has produced thousands of webinars for clients over the years and has put her expertise into this self-study training. You’ll receive access to 10 video training modules that walk you through the basics of setting up a webinar. Plus, you’ll receive done-for-you templates to make your planning process easy.

Almost every type of business can benefit from holding webinars and online summits, so don’t shy away from this opportunity. Go through this training and then use the same process for every webinar or summit you ever produce.

If you have any questions about this program, reply back to this email and I’ll have Danielle answer them for you.

And if you feel you can’t grab it at this time, at least get her FREE Day of the Webinar checklist by clicking here.


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