Working from home as a Virtual Assistant can sometimes make you feel lonely or isolated. No doubt about it!

Feeling Lonely and Isolated Working From Your Home Office?

It’s quite different from working in a corporate office environment (that’s for sure) and can be quite a shock to your system when you first start working from home.

It’s hard NOT TO MISS how socially engaging it was working around people where you could actually:

  • Roll your chair around to talk to the co-worker in the cubicle behind you to ask them how to freeze panes in an Excel file.
  • Meet up in the lunch room to chat about the holiday party at the end of the month
  • Run into a co-worker in the hallway and quickly pick their brains about a new marketing strategy
  • Hang out in the conference room with other co-workers to learn about the newest app just released by Facebook
  • Chatting up and getting to know a new friend you just ran into at the watercooler

Let’s face it ‘Working from your home office’ ‘All alone’ ‘All day’ is HARD with no one to turn to and socialize with. 🙁

Well today I’ve got a FREE resource to share with you to make you feel at ease!

Join thousands of other Virtual Assistants at our FREE, informative, educational, friendly networking FORUM that has been around since 2003 (yep over 10 years)! With over 23,000+ members and 150,000+ posts, be guaranteed you’ll find all the social engagement you will ever need to keep your virtual business thriving at its peak performance.

At our Virtual Assistant Networking Forum, industry experts and Virtual Assistant in all stages of business (from newbies to veterans) mix it up to uncover all things new and exciting in the world of Virtual Assistance.

If you’ve ever been stuck in your VA business with a question you couldn’t find a simple answer to or have a question that you know another VA might know the answer to if you could just ask one of them then this resource is for you.

JOIN our ‘Virtual Assistant Networking Forum’ today (FREE to JOIN!)

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If you’re not hanging out with the thousands of members strong at our Virtual Assistant Networking Forum, isn’t it time to see what the hype is about?

FREE Resources for Your Service-Based Business!

If you’re looking for exclusive step-by-step instruction on how to Startup, Streamline, Scale and $ucceed in your Virtual Assistant Career on a regular basis then you need to sign up now!

60+ FREE Tools to Help You Easily Work From Home

With so many people moving towards working from home, I kept hearing over and over again the same question. What tools and resources are available to help me easily and economically work from home?

I’ve put together 60+ FREE tools to help you work from home...

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