Let’s talk about something that comes up a lot: how to land that elusive client. I often hear from Virtual Assistants who are tired and frustrated because they just can’t seem to close the deal with prospective clients they’ve spent time courting. Sound familiar?

Here’s the scoop: I usually start by reviewing their entire onboarding process to pinpoint where things might be going wrong. Most often, their client-landing process looks something like this:

  1. Courting the prospective client and forming a relationship
  2. Booking a Discovery Call with the prospect
  3. Setting them up on their onboarding system (Dubsado, HoneyBook, or another system)
  4. Sending the prospective client their contract to sign
  5. Waiting… waiting… waiting for the signed contract
  6. Following up… waiting… following up… waiting
  7. Back-and-forth emails about the contract
  8. Never getting the contract signed
  9. Never getting paid
  10. Never landing the client

Sound familiar? It’s a story I hear over and over again. But there’s a strategy that works, and it’s surprisingly simple.

Get the $$$ First!

If you want to land the client, get their money first! Yes, you heard me right—it’s all about the money.

Here’s how to do it:

  1. During the Discovery Call or follow-up emails, give them a call to action to pay for your monthly retainer or package on the spot.
  2. Provide a link to your payment page on your website.
  3. Create a sense of urgency by letting them know you only have a couple of spots left or limited availability for the next month.

Why This Works

People often get cold feet when they have to sign a legal contract, and they back off. It’s human nature. But when a person has already put their money on the table, they’re ready to play. Once you have their payment, simply let them know you can start working with them once they sign and return the contract.

Done. Client landed, contract signed, money in your account. Time to celebrate!

Join the Get Clients Club

If you want more tips and strategies to help you land clients effortlessly, join our Get Clients Club.

You’ll get access to in-depth training, resources, and a supportive community that can help you take your VA business to the next level.

Join the Get Clients Club today and start landing clients with confidence!

Happy client hunting!


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