Perception is defined as how someone sees you and your company. Business owners who work primarily online, rely on their visual media – mainly their brand, logo and website to make the first impression, but perception management goes far beyond your logo! Your level of professionalism, how you answer the phone, how proactively you follow up, the clarity of your marketing message and your customer service levels all have an impact on how your customers perceive your company.

Working with a Virtual Assistant can dramatically affect your company’s perceptions. You may be a solo-entrepreneur, working from a home based office, but there is no reason to market yourself that way. Especially in the case of service based or online businesses, we understand that customers are buying the perception of your expertise and your service level that you have created. Virtual Assistants understand that concept – we are living that reality right along with you.

Of course the concept of “fake it till you make it” is dead, and we are not suggesting that perception management is anything like the art of making a silk purse out of a sow’s ear. You actually have to live up to the image you create. The good news is – A Virtual Assistant can help with that as well!

These days the term ‘Virtual Assistant’ is as common place and vague as saying “I work in computers.” Do you program software, fix hardware, network them or dance on them? Virtual Assistants have evolved and now offer a myriad of services that can actively manage your customer’s perceptions of your company.

Virtual Assistants can manage your online perceptions through website and blog maintenance and social media. They can raise your customer service levels by monitoring emails, faxes and voice mails and ensuring they are answered on time, and with the correct information. They can follow up with your customers, and even increase your sales by offering add on products when they have direct contact. They can manage your back end and bookkeeping tasks to free your time, and make you appear more professional. Virtual Assistants are also capable of extraordinary design work in print and online media. If you need a new look and feel for your company – a VA can help there too.

You can choose to work with several VA’s and outsource only specific tasks, or partner with a Virtual Business Manager and enjoy the added services of a fellow business owner, with a matching entrepreneurial mindset, to help you chart your course. No matter which road you travel, the right Virtual Assistant can help you appear to be the business of your dreams – while they help you build it.

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