louboutinshoesDid I tell you I finally bought my first Christian Louboutin shoes?

I feel like I’m in a little part of heaven!

Here they are aren’t they sexy? It was one of my rewards for reaching my money goals in 2015. Plus I wanted to always treat myself to a lil luxury as I am definitely a nut for heels.

I love wearing them out on special occasions as they get a ton of stares and comments from complete strangers. Especially when I am in a restaurant crossing my legs as someone always notices them and comments kindly on them. I always sit sideways a bit in my chair when I wear them to show them off more LOL!

I feel like a movie star in this small town I live in whenever I go out in them as they get so much attention and I love it! (Sue me for my shallowness at times but this single gal could use a bit of extra attention now and then). They’ve even got me a free meal (bought by a nice fella who I met wearing them out for dinner solo one night) so I’m definitely getting a return for my investment 😉

What did you treat yourself too in 2015 for reaching a goal you’ve been wanting to reach? I’d love to hear about it and please post a comment below letting us know so we can all congratulate you on your 2015 goal reward!

Your website is kind of like wearing a pair of Louboutin shoes because you want people to be in “AWE” of it when they click through to it.


A GREAT looking website will get you awesome clients. A good website will get you a few, decent-ish clients. A bad website will drive clients away and NO website won’t help anyone.

Your website is your storefront and you want it to look professional, enough said, I think you get my point 😉

I hear you that you’re busy and that you’ve got client work to do already (yay you!). Or maybe you just don’t know where to start and you think the website might not be the right place.

Well let me confirm with you, you’re website IS the right place to start marketing your business. You need one that will impress and get attention of your market. You need one that is complete. You need to know how to use WordPress well to get it done. Yes you can learn this kind of thing free on YouTube BUT you’ll spend way too much precious time sorting through the junk and outdated info in order to learn what you need. Plus, if you get stuck you’ll have no one to ask and get help from.

AngelaWillsThat’s why Angela Wills has created her long-standing, flagship WordPress coaching program, Website Design Mojo. With her course you’ll get a large library of video training, live webinar help and an active facebook group for online WordPress support. Plus, with lifetime retakes and a 30-day guarantee you’ve got absolutely nothing to lose! I’m a member of Angela’s group and I know for a fact she’s extremely dedicated to helping smart entreprenuers like you build their business — she’s there to support you!

The course itself is $147 but I’ve got a coupon for you to get it for 30% OFF (Use coupon code: mojo)

Check out all the details by clicking here

If you think it’s a PERFECT fit for you get yourself signed up ASAP, it starts January 11th! Don’t forget to use the coupon code (expires Jan. 11/2016)  to get 30% OFF.

angelawHere’s another access option for you too…

IF you want instead to sign up for her membership, the Laptop Lifestyle Business Club at $47/month, you get this course included with your membership. I’m a member of it and love it! The comradry, support of others and extra training from this group has been priceless to my business. Thank you Angela!

CLICK HERE to learn about Angela’s Laptop Lifestyle Business Club

Feel free to hit reply if you have any questions or talk to me directly by booking a quick call with me here.

To Your Virtual $uccess,
Tawnya Sutherland, Founder of VAnetworking.com

PS: Don’t forget to comment below and let me know what you’ve outlandishly treated yourself to for achieving your 2015 goal.

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