We’ve all heard that we should have a contingency plan in case disaster strikes our business. But what are you doing to make sure you’re covered if you’re suddenly swamped with business overnight? It really can be its own kind of disaster.

What would happen, for example, if you woke up tomorrow morning and had a dozen emails from people ready to obtain your services? Are you able to tend to each of them, answer phones that ring non-stop, actually do client work and take care of everything else that comes up in the everyday life of an entrepreneur?

An onslaught of business sounds like a great thing, but if you’re not ready for it, it can wreak havoc.

While a Virtual Assistant can help with your marketing efforts until you get all the business you can handle, s/he can also help you make a plan for what happens when you’re booked solid and help you implement that plan.

Here’s to your success! Now go find yourself a VA.

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