If you’ve not seen me around the networks the past couple of days it is because I’ve been spending every waking hour developing my NEW social media marketing plan thanks to the help of my dear internet marketing buddy, Lynn Terry. 😉

I just enrolled in her new signature program “Fast Social Marketing Results” that is by far the best social marketing product I’ve seen in ages.

You can check it out here…

I’m already incorporating into my marketing plan page 26 of her Social Media Marketing Guide where she talks about how HOT Facebook groups are right now. I didn’t realize that they have so much more interaction than Facebook Pages where I’ve been spending most of my time marketing at. This whole guide is full of valuable info that I had never thought of with regards to my social media marketing. For example on page 50 she shares with us the best times to publish our social media updates, who would have thunk?? It makes sense there are better times than others to engage with my peeps and I’ve already changed my schedule around today and seen the results, she is right! I’m still not completely through her guide as there is a ton of information to process but I did want to give my thumbs up on it and share with you before her discounted price ends on October 8th.

And the Social Media Guide is not all you get when you order. You’ll also receive a bunch of bonus downloads like social media checklists, worksheets and resource sheets. PLUS the best part is having access to 6 bonus training interactive webinars which so far have been over 1.5 – 2.5 hours long each. She has already done 2 of them live and I’m totally looking forward to the next ones to pick her brain on social media in person online.

On top of it she has a very active Facebook Group (go figure LOL) where members can get ongoing support and feedback, fresh ideas, useful tools & resources, and free updates! This is probably my most favourite part > having Lynn by my side to answer any of my questions all the while encouraging me to boost my traffic and income with social media marketing strategies!

If you want to dramatically increase website traffic, make more sales, get more links, improve your search engine rankings, waste less time, and grow your business even faster…

You really need to check out Lynn’s new “Fast Social Media Results” program. (For a limited time it’s only $77 which is a steal considering what training she includes with it).

With a strategic Social Media Plan in place, the time you spend on social media will have a great return. Without a plan, social media can be a serious “time suck”…trust me, been there done that but not no more! 😉

Thanks Lynn for this fabulous social marketing training product, you rock!

Do you have a strategic social media marketing plan in place or are you just ‘wingin’ it’ and hoping it is helping your business out?

Share your answer with the group below in the comments area…

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