YES You Can Do It!

It’s summertime here in North America and you may be wondering what to do with the extra time on your hands.

Here’s an idea…

Why not invest in yourself and start a career as a Virtual Assistant?

Download my VA Startup Checklist here

Imagine having your own business and being your own boss by the time the kids are back in school?

Well one summer (15 years ago) that’s exactly what I did! I invested in ME and started up my own VA business! Now I make a 6 figure income as a Virtual Assistant enjoying life’s finest luxuries. For example: Today I just took the afternoon off and got a pedicure. Last month I traveled across Canada for a three week vacation with my family.

Having my own business gives me FREEDOM! I can do what I want, when I want, wherever I want and I love it 😉

We are all responsible for our future dreams becoming reality and nobody is going to do it for us so you might as well take control of your life right now and become your own boss.

What do you want out of life, what are your dreams and aspirations? If it’s starting up your own Virtual Assistant business then have I got a cool deal for you this month.

My Virtual Assistant Career (VAC) System, (formerly called the VBSS), has been revamped and is now available to take as an online course. YES we finally digitized my VA start up system which has helped over 1000 VAs get their business up and running over the past few years. No matter where you live you can now take this globally proven, acclaimed VA business startup system and get started on your business today!

The VAC 30 Day Module Online Training Center will help your business grow each and every day throughout the summer months. The online modules are set up for your 30-day journey that will steer you to your dream: Your own Virtual Assistant business.

By devoting a modest portion of your day to each module, you will channel your passion for virtual assistance to launch a fully operational VA business.

Here’s a SNEAK PEAK into Module 2 of this system to see what is in store for you. In this module I talk about why you should go into business as a VA and if self-employment is right for you. As well I talk about motivation and how to set and assess your goals.

ACCESS MODULE 2 of the VAC by clicking here 

In this module you’ll discover the answers to these questions by working through the exercises:

  • Why Should I Go Into Business?
  • Will Self-Employment Fulfill My Needs?
  • Is Self-employment Right For Me?
  • Determing My Business Goals
  • Assessing Goal Practicability
  • Goal Setting Bonuses

Once you invest in this program you’ll have ACCESS to 29 more comprehensive online modules just like this one that will help you transform a hazy vision into a vivid reality by summer’s end.

AND for the month of August, 2015 anyone (within North America) who invests in the VAC digitized version will also receive our physical version mailed to their doorstep at no extra cost to you which includes:

  • The VAC Workbook in a Box – Over 150 pages of instruction for you to keep by your office desk in a glossy finished tabbed binder to reference whenever you have a question arise in your startup business.
  • How To Build a Successful Virtual Assistant Business Book – By Janice Byer and Elayne Whitfield-Parr
  • The Virtual Assistant’s Guide to Marketing Book – By Michelle Jamison
  • 5 Resource CDs – Includes all the business templates PLUS many other resources (videos, ebooks, tutorials, charts, articles and more!)
  • VAnetworking’s 3-Way Highlighter – Perfect for highlighting notes in your VAC Workbook.
  • Plus many more goodies that will make you smile!

You can learn all about the Virtual Assistant Career Online Program and what’s included with it here:


If you want to book a 15 minute telephone call with me to discuss this career for you just book a call with me here

I look forward to helping you make all your dreams come true in your new Virtual Assistant business.

To Your $uccess!

Tawnya Sutherland, CIMBS

FREE Resources for Your Service-Based Business!

If you’re looking for exclusive step-by-step instruction on how to Startup, Streamline, Scale and $ucceed in your Virtual Assistant Career on a regular basis then you need to sign up now!

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With so many people moving towards working from home, I kept hearing over and over again the same question. What tools and resources are available to help me easily and economically work from home?

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