Looking for a Virtual Assistant? You will need a RFP!

You have finally come to the conclusion you can’t do everything yourself and the answer is to outsource the work to a Virtual Assistant. Contracting with a VA is the best solution in helping you take care of many administrative duties and maybe look after that...

How can a Virtual Assistant help my business?

During the past few years the term “Virtual Assistant” has become more widespread and people are somewhat aware of what a Virtual Assistant is. However, they don’t always understand how a Virtual Assistant or VA can help them in their own business....

Team Up for Big Results!

Thomas Edison was once asked why he had a team of twenty-one assistants. He replied, “if I could solve all the problems myself, I would.” Many entrepreneurs these days know the value of having a virtual assistant. But what about multiple VAs? Perhaps Mr....

The Proof is in the Proofing

Some people hunt animals, some people hunt ghosts. Me? I hunt typos. Picking typos out of a published book, newsletter or sales page is something I’ve always loved doing. It’s a twisted little habit I just can’t seem to shake. This of course, is a...

5 Really Good Excuses for NOT Hiring a Virtual Assistant This Year

Hiring a virtual assistant can help your business succeed in so many ways it’s hard to imagine why anyone would not at least give outsourcing careful consideration. Then again, why take bold and strategic steps forward with your business when you’ve got...