Loyal To the Bone as Only a VA Can Be

Have you ever heard the expression – “loyal to the bone”? A quick search on Wikipedia says “loyal to the bone” means: steadfast in allegiance or duty. So why do I preface this post with that phrase, because it signifies an experience I...

Looking for a Virtual Assistant? You will need a RFP!

You have finally come to the conclusion you can’t do everything yourself and the answer is to outsource the work to a Virtual Assistant. Contracting with a VA is the best solution in helping you take care of many administrative duties and maybe look after that...

How can a Virtual Assistant help my business?

During the past few years the term “Virtual Assistant” has become more widespread and people are somewhat aware of what a Virtual Assistant is. However, they don’t always understand how a Virtual Assistant or VA can help them in their own business....

The Trust Factor

Believe it or not one of the most important factors to think about while hiring a Virtual Assistant or working with clients is comprised of one word only, that word is trust. Without it, you might as well call it a day and close your computers. Let me explain in...

Too much to do and so little time?

Does that sound like you? You have so much to do that you are only doing bits and pieces of each thing and accomplishing nothing. You aren’t alone. Many business owners believe they have to do it all rather than ask for help, not realizing if they could better...