How can a Virtual Assistant help my business?

During the past few years the term “Virtual Assistant” has become more widespread and people are somewhat aware of what a Virtual Assistant is. However, they don’t always understand how a Virtual Assistant or VA can help them in their own business....

Too much to do and so little time?

Does that sound like you? You have so much to do that you are only doing bits and pieces of each thing and accomplishing nothing. You aren’t alone. Many business owners believe they have to do it all rather than ask for help, not realizing if they could better...

Quick Tip: Virtual Assistants Can Help You Prepare For Success

We’ve all heard that we should have a contingency plan in case disaster strikes our business. But what are you doing to make sure you’re covered if you’re suddenly swamped with business overnight? It really can be its own kind of disaster. What would...

A Good Virtual Assistant is Like a Good Personal Trainer!

On Monday I started working with a personal trainer to help me meet my fitness goals. I know what I need to do to get in shape and be healthier, but I made the decision to hire a professional to give me the motivation and tools I need to actually do those things! I...

Are you excited about your business?

The life of an entrepreneur can be wonderful – most times it is. You’re in control of your own schedule, you can work as much as you want or as little (depending on your goals), you can go bigger, stay smaller, make your own rules, write your own plan and...