There certainly have been many ways to do marketing business over the years.

There is still Outbound Marketing like ads in newspapers, magazines, the Yellow Pages, billboards and mailouts to name a few. And then there is Inbound Marketing where you draw your Target Market to your website. Inbound marketing can include Article Marketing, Email Marketing, Blog Marketing, Social Media Marketing, and more recently Video Marketing.

Some stats on the top Video Channel You Tube:

October 2008: 1 billion views per day of videos on You Tube

May 2010: 2 billion views per day of videos on You Tube and more than 24 hours of video is uploaded to You Tube every minute.

In a recent report released by Social Media Examiner, the “2010 Social Media Marketing Report”, statistics showed that 40%+ of Businesses were already implementing Video Marketing but a significant 73% of marketers plan on increasing their YouTube and/or video marketing.

7 Reasons Why You Should Consider Video:

* A Personal Connection: It is said again and again that people will buy when they know, like and trust. A video will introduce you to your prospects so they feel they have actually met you.
* Social Proof: Video puts a face to your words and lends credibility and believability.
* Traffic: With the stats illustrated above for just You Tube, not to mention all the other video channels out there, you are missing a lot of opportunities and links to your site.
* Emotional Influence: A great presentation accompanied by music or your voice will create a lasting impression of you and your brand.
* Portability: Not only can prospects find you over the internet but with the massive increase in smart phone users, your videos can be viewed anywhere, anytime.
* Demonstrations: An Article or Presentation on it’s own can suddenly go dynamic when presented in a video.
* Engagement: There are proven stats and success stories that you can easily find which verify that videos enhance social media activity and encourage response and conversion rates.

And to take this one step further, videos are not only being used as a valuable way of distributing content, but are favored to introduce new products and services as well as a new format – Video Blogging. Bloggers now have a choice of writing their regular blogs, doing audio blogs or maximizing their messages in video blogs.

There are an abundance of businesses that can provide a professional video for you but why not consider a Virtual Assistant who is a Video Marketing Specialist?   Not only can they provide guidance in choosing the right kind of video and marketing strategies for you but they can offer you many choices to fit within your budget.

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