The best way to keep your VA business going long term and to experience more success is to continue to grow and expand. If you’re not growing and expanding, you’re stagnating. There are many ways in which you can experience continuous growth and expansion in your business and your life.

The Keys to Continual Growth & Expansion for Virtual Assistants

Start a Joint Venture Partnership

Get out of your comfort zone and work on a project with someone you might normally see as a competitor. If you know someone who promotes complementary products and/or services to yours, get on board with them to promote something jointly. The more often you participate in JVs, the more you’ll expand awareness of your business and offerings.

Create More Products or Services

Diversifying your offerings can help you expand and grow, too. For example, if you currently offer groups or online courses on how to do something, you can expand to offering one-on-one coaching services to delve even deeper than your current offering does. Plus, you can charge more money. Or maybe you don’t have any products yet. Why not consider writing an ebook surrounding your specialty? You can sell that to prospects that come to your website that aren’t yet ready to hire a VA to do the work for them but will put out $27 to be told how to do it 😉

TIP:  Need content but you don’t like to write? Watch this PLR video to learn how to get content for your new products quickly and easily.

Outsource More

A fast way to grow and expand is to simply get more clients. Of course, you’re only one person so you might need to outsource more work to others to ensure that you can accommodate more customers and clients. Hire another Virtual Assistant at our network by posting a for free job here.

Teach What You Know to Others

If you have a skill that you can share with others to teach them to become successful like you, don’t keep it to yourself. Share it. You won’t create more competition even if you think that will happen. Instead, you’ll not only get more customers, but you’ll also be seen as more of an expert.

Write a Book

If you’re already an expert in something, the way to expand your expertise is to write a book on the topic. Then, use the book to promote your other products and services. You’ll earn from the book and from the added promotional opportunities the book provides.

Get on the Speaking Circuit

Once you have a book, a course, and a coaching program, you can easily get on a speaking circuit. Through paid speaking engagements you can get the word out about your business to a lot of people and finally solidify your expertise. Apply to be a speaker at our next Virtual Assistant Online Conference if you want to test out your speaking skills in a friendly environment for the first time. Most of our speakers have never spoke before either so you’ll be in good company 😉

Be Consistent and Persistent

If your business is already growing and expanding, keep doing what you’re doing. At the end of the day, consistency and persistence pay off for every business model.

Network More Efficiently

Take a look at how you go about networking, and who you’re networking with. You want to network strategically with potential joint venture partners, potential customers, as well as colleagues.

Growing and expanding requires self-awareness of what you are doing and what you’re not doing to move forward. Occasionally assess your goals to ensure that you are on track to be where you envisioned you would be at a specific time. If you’re succeeding, keep on doing what you’re doing. If you’re behind, it’s okay; you just need to adjust.

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