As a Virtual Assistant, you want to keep your clients around.

You work hard to get them and it would be very foolish to waste away the opportunity that a long-term, mutually successful relationship with your clients can provide.

So how do you avoid losing clients as a Virtual Assistant?

Well, the first step is recognizing how important it is to keep them. Don’t look to use and abuse the people who hire you, look at how you can foster great relationships that grow over the long haul. In this post we’ll talk about some of the most important things to do that can help make sure you (almost) never lose clients because of something you did. Of course, we all make mistakes… just do your best and forget about the rest.

5 Tips to Keep Your Clients Happy

Tip 1 – Take Constructive Feedback from Clients

You need to be willing to listen to and learn from your clients. Don’t assume you know everything about them and about writing in the way they need you to. Keep the communication open and make sure they know you are open to any and all suggestions they can make to help you write better.

Tip 2 – Never Miss a Deadline

As a Virtual Assistant, I’m sure you know how important it is to keep a date you’ve committed to. Keep all deadlines, never miss a single one. As a matter of fact, it’s a smart plan to be early with every single project you deliver. You can do this by planning ahead and working smart.

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Tip 3 – Adapt To Your Client’s Needs

Now I’m not suggesting you go and change your VA business plan at every client’s whim, but it’s important that you’re not so closed-minded as to miss relevant opportunities. Be open and willing to adapt to your client’s needs.

Tip 4 – Anticipate What Your Client Needs

Want to make yourself invaluable? Offer your client some information, advice or suggestions that will help their business. Anticipate what they may need next. If you can show your client that you are a step ahead of them then you will be the first one they call the next time they need more content. For example, if you write articles each month for your client, you can make yourself even more valuable by suggesting article topics and keywords.

Tip 5 – Ask For Feedback

Too many Virtual Assistants are afraid to ask how they are doing for fear that their clients will complain. Think about this: a complaint is nothing but an opportunity in disguise. No client will complain to you unless they hope you will receive that complaint and adjust accordingly. If they were so unhappy with you that they didn’t want to work with you then they would just stop sending you work. Take complaints with gratitude and ask what you can do to make it better. Then you’ll turn a negative into a great, big, shiny positive!

Keeping clients isn’t rocket science.

They want great service from their Virtual Assistant and a good price. If you can prove to them that you’re worth every penny they spend on your services then you should have a long-term client who tells their friends how awesome you are. Word of mouth marketing from happy clients is the best marketing you can get for your VA business! These tips will help but don’t stop there, think about how you can stand out from the crowd with your own, unique abilities and attention that only you can deliver.

Please share your tips on how you keep your clients happy.5 Tips to Keep Your Clients Happy

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