How many times have you stared at a blank computer screen or a blank piece of paper just waiting for the words to come? One of my favourite tasks to provide for my clients is my writing services, but I am often asked what types of things I would write for my clients. Here are just 10 of the writing services I am asked to provide:

Business Letters

Are you introducing a new sale or product or looking to let your clients in on an upcoming promotion? A Virtual Assistant can help you to find the right words for the letter and can even take care of distributing it to your clients.

Web site copy

Web site copy can be a very involved process, especially if you want it to be search engine optimized. Creating impressive and persuasive copy takes more than just telling someone that you have a product or service. You need to answer the question “What’s in it For Me?” and you need to do so in a unique way to set your web site apart from your competition.

Marketing materials

A Virtual Assistant can assist you in finding the right words to portray your message in all your marketing materials including brochures, information sheets and business cards. A Virtual Assistant can also assist with preparing the copy for your marketing package as well as assembling and mailing these packages to potential clients. Keep in mind that not only can your VA put together the perfect words, but he/she can also format them and add design elements that will make your marketing materials appealing as well.


Article marketing is fast becoming a great way to prove to your potential clients that you are an expert and know your stuff. It is also an additional way to market your product or services indirectly through your article by-line. As blogging is becoming more popular, people are often looking for quality content and turn to article sites for their content. There is a potential for a well written article to reach thousands of potential clients. Not only can a Virtual Assistant assist you with writing this article, but they can also handle submitting your article to the article directory sites.

Press Releases

Another great way to tell others about your product or service or about an upcoming event or promotion is through a press release. Keeping your press release non-adversarial can be difficult, especially when you have a personal stake. Just as with articles, a Virtual Assistant can also assist you with submitting your press release to the necessary submission sites.

Autoresponder series

Many people are setting up autoresponders as a way for keeping in touch with their existing clients. Especially where a product has been purchased, an autoresponder can send out reminders at suggested intervals. It is great to have a Virtual Assistant not only write the autoresponders for you, but also set them up and maintain them. You can also utilize autoresponders for ecourses as a way of producing a residual income.


Finding content for your newsletter can be a daunting task and as such, often our promises to send periodic newsletters become overwhelming. A Virtual Assistant can not only assist with writing valuable content on your behalf, but they can also provide the services to produce and maintain your newsletter to ensure that your promises are kept.

Blog entries

Blogging is fast becoming a great marketing tool for business. However, many business owners are finding it hard to keep up with the demands required to maintain the blog. Just having one or two blog entries per week can mean providing enough content to establish a readership. A virtual assistant can not only write that content on your behalf, but can also prepare the entries and maintain your blog comments.

Thank you notes

So many of us forget to take the time to say thank you. However, so many of us say that we love to receive a thank you and acknowledgment from others. A Virtual Assistant can handle writing and sending out your thank you notes so that your clients (and friends) can see that you truly do value them.

Ghostwriting of E-Books, special reports, etc

Creating a residual income can be a great way to grow your business without having to put in more hours in a day. Many of us, as business owners, are sitting on a great deal of knowledge and expertise ~ we can come up with the ideas, but lack the time or skill to convert those ideas, knowledge and expertise into a tangible product. Working with a Virtual Assistant is a great way to do this. Utilizing your ideas, they work with you to put your thoughts into words and create a tangible product for re-sale.

Keep in mind that all Virtual Assistants come with their own skillset and services and not all will provide writing services, however the next time you are staring at that blank screen or paper, remember a Virtual Assistant can assist you to find the “write” words.

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