Most people who are searching for a Virtual Assistant have just heard of the industry and are overwhelmed when they find themselves faced with the task of hiring someone.

By understanding a few basics about Virtual Assistants, the entire process should be easier for you.

Virtual Assistants are not employees

The first thing you should realize is that a Virtual Assistant is not an employee. You have to make that change in your brain from the get-go because it’s not something that comes naturally to many people and VAs often take a great deal of offense to being thought of and/or treated like an employee.

When you work with a Virtual Assistant, you should look at it like hiring any other type of contractor; an accountant, a website designer (some VAs are website designers!), or a consultant.

VAs will become your business partners

The biggest benefit to the client/VA coupling is the relationship that’s formed. A Virtual Assistant will become a business partner – a key player in the success of your company. A VA will learn all about your business and after working together on a regular basis will begin to anticipate your needs.

Virtual Assistants want you to succeed.

Because a Virtual Assistant is self-employed, they have a vested interest in the success of your business. The better you do with their help, the more that adds to the VA’s success. There’s a real incentive there to help you achieve your business goals.

The best way to reap this benefit of the client/VA relationship is to work with someone on a retainer basis. Each month, you have a set number of hours of the VA’s time, guaranteed. Working in this manner through regular collaboration, you will get to know each other very well and you will really start to experience growth in your business if you’ve chosen the right VA!


Click here to Hire a Virtual Assistant.

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