Facebook is a wonderful tool to use when marketing your Virtual Assistant Business and/or products. They make it really easy for anyone to do it, whether a large corporation or a small home business. You can run Facebook Ads effectively by setting a goal, and then taking the steps necessary to reach that goal. Test what you are doing, and check in on how everything you’re doing is working.

I been using Facebook Ads to market products I sell in my business and have to say the conversions have overwhelmed me and I’m thrilled with the results. Video seems to convert the best in my ads and that is probably because people just love to watch videos.

How to Use Facebook Ads Effectively in Your VA Business

Here’s some reasons you might like to consider using Facebook Ads

Build Your Email List

Using Facebook to build your email list is very effective because they make it easy with the ability to add tabs and a call to action to get people to sign up for your list. Plus you can put up a nice banner that points people to the CTA. So offer some type of freebie that your target market would be interested in and watch as your list builds.

Get More Page Likes

Using Facebook Ads to get more likes for your business pages or to promote your communities is a great way to increase engagement. Make the ad truly relevant to your audience and you’ll get a better response. A good following is important with business pages and the more likes you have to your pages the more credibility it shows for your business.

Segment Your Audience

You have a large audience, but you also have smaller subset audiences that you can use to narrow down who you’re targeting from your audience. It makes writing copy easier if you have a small segment to think of as you develop ads. I setup a “lookalike audience” using a custom pixel that tells me everyone that visits my website. This new ad then finds others that look the same in their profile as the people visiting my website and it promotes to them. I see double the conversions from this ad. Give it a try yourself.

Target Interest Groups

Facebook makes it easy to target people based on many demographics, including interests. This is wonderful way to target specific groups that will be interested in what you’re offering.

Sell Your Product Directly

Using Facebook to sell your VA services and or products is a great way to use Facebook Ads; however, you want to ensure that they still sign up for your list.

Use CPM Instead of PPC

PPC means pay per click, and CPM means cost per thousand and is measured in views. Facebook has a good system that when using CPM it will do what works best and gets the most bang for your buck.

Include Pictures That Are Relevant

You want pictures that draw attention to your advertisement to your audience. Know what they like and choose those pictures, because you don’t want to do anything that turns them off.

Promote Your Posts

When you write a good post and share it on your Facebook Page, it’s important to promote it so that more people see it. Paying to promote posts will ensure that more people see it, and you’ll get more engagement. Be sure to ask for a CTA.

The important thing is to have a goal before you start so that you know that you’re being effective with the actions that you take. Without a goal you have no idea whether what you’re doing is successful.

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