It shouldn’t be up to you to train your VA. The VA you choose to work with should already be experienced in the work you want them to do. That’s one of the big benefits of partnering with a Virtual Assistant.

If you find someone great who hasn’t any experience in the services you need, if it’s specific to your business – a very specialized tool or service, you should expect to pay your VA for training.

If it’s a skill that’s generic that could benefit the VA’s business by being able to offer a new service to other clients, s/he will probably agree to train at no cost.

This is important to consider. As you start working more with your Virtual Assistant and learning to trust them, you might want them more involved in your business. Talk to your VA about this when you start working together. You might find they’re happy to learn a new skill and won’t feel comfortable charging for training time. But if your VA is very busy and will have to take time away from other client work to take training, they might insist on charging for that time.

If this is a factor that will be important to you, ask the question early!


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