It’sssssssssssssss BACK! VAVS3!

If you’ve never heard of this before then please keep on reading as you won’t want to miss this special series we run every spring and fall…

Are you a Virtual Assistant (VA) ready to stop stressing about the economy, have some fun AND get smarter about getting ahead?

Learn valuable information to help your VA business grow faster into the work at home empire you have always dreamed by attending the next VA Virtuoso Seminars (VAVS).

Our 100 seats are filling up fast!

The event is hosted by me, Tawnya Sutherland, founder of the largest Social Network for Virtual Assistants (VAs),, online today with over 14,000 registered members. With a membership that large you can rest assured that I’ve been lucky enough to come across some very successful Virtual Assistants over the years. AND these expert VAs are now ready to share their knowledge with other VAs to help them succeed in business too.

In NO other industry will you find such a sharing and supportive network between business colleagues except here in our VA world!

Want to know a secret about Virtual Assistants?

We stick together like glue, helping one another succeed in our VA businesses!

Want to know another secret about Virtual Assistants?

VAs are super smart, always on top of that new technology, software or online marketing technique coming through the sales funnel to help their business succeed in today’s down-turned economy.

So without further adieu, I present to you the 3rd VA Virtuoso Seminars (VAVS3) of informative and engaging seminars given by the best and the brightest in virtual assistance. I’ve got 15 Virtual Assistants excited to share their knowledge with you!

Seminars that you can enjoy from the comfort of your home office via our online webinar platform. No commute expenses involved! All you need is a computer with speakers (or a headset) to listen with, an internet connection and YOU! Held over a period of 5 days between April 11-15th, 2011, you will have access to 15 educational webinars all focused on you, the Virtual Assistant to help you grow your VA business.

I’ve once again tapped into my global network finding Virtual Assistants who’d be only too happy to share their hard earned business wisdom.

After all: Who better to learn trade secrets from than VAs who are slugging it out in the trenches and succeeding?


Here’s what I’ve put together for you:

An exciting workshop series of 15 educational online seminars to benefit all virtual assistants worldwide.

These seminars will be presented, over the course of 5 days, by fellow Virtual Assistants who have been there, done that, and want to share all that (and more) with you!

AND…I am making it affordable during these trying economic times so that ANY Virtual Assistant at ANY stage in his or her business can attend, accessing cutting edge information about getting ahead in an increasingly competitive virtual business environment.

The cost? ONLY $27 to attend all 15 online seminars LIVE!

That works out to less than $2 per seminar.

Click here to order now!

(NOTE: ONLY 100 SEATS AVAILABLE which will go quickly at this fantastic low price!)

You can’t beat that price anywhere online that I’m aware of when it comes to furthering your education as a Virtual Assistant (not to mention having a fantastic time without even starting the car).

Plus each of the speakers will give you an added F.R.E.E. resource to download after each seminar. There will be tip sheets, eBooks, audios, special reports and more.

Now, can you afford less than $2 per 1-HOUR SEMINAR, each presented by some of the most talented virtual pros in the VA industry, including Q & A?

Pop over to view who’s walking down the red carpet to speak to you this spring …

From one VA to another…ENJOY!


PS: Don’t forget, the webinar room only holds 100 people so click here to sign up now as we will sell out fast at this low price of $27!

PPS: Diamond members from VAVS2, don’t forget, you get in F.R.E.E. this time around and if you forget your username/password, just retrieve it at our troubleshooting page here

PPPS: VAinsider Club members receive 25% discount. Check out latest Monday MotiVAtor newsletter to find coupon code.

FREE Resources for Your Service-Based Business!

If you’re looking for exclusive step-by-step instruction on how to Startup, Streamline, Scale and $ucceed in your Virtual Assistant Career on a regular basis then you need to sign up now!

60+ FREE Tools to Help You Easily Work From Home

With so many people moving towards working from home, I kept hearing over and over again the same question. What tools and resources are available to help me easily and economically work from home?

I’ve put together 60+ FREE tools to help you work from home...

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