Working with a Virtual Assistant (VA) can be a very rewarding and profitable experience.

This especially is true if you are working with someone who understands your business and enjoys working with you. There are some things you can do to keep the relationship going strong and create a loyalty that goes beyond your working agreement.

Of course there are many things the Virtual Assistant you hire should be doing to make you love them. In the meantime though, when you find someone you know will be a great fit with you, why not make sure your Virtual Assistant sees the value in working with you by making them love you!

Ways To Make Your Virtual Assistant Love You!

Here are a few tips to make your VA never want to leave you:

  1. Communication – Poor communication never helped any relationship, and it works the same way with your outsourcing relationship. Make sure you are communicating with your Virtual Assistant in a clear and concise manner and don’t spend a lot of time on useless things that need not be discussed.
  1. If you are using email as your main form of communication then don’t send 10 emails a day to your VA. Get everything clear in your mind and send just one email that has all the information laid out.
  1. If you use the phone as your main communication think about the time you are spending on a call and decide if it’s really needed. Would it be better to clarify things over email, or follow up with a quick call?
  1. Pay on time – This one is obvious. If your Virtual Assistant has to wait for her money they won’t like it as much as if you pay on time, every time.
  1. Clear directions – There’s nothing worse than having an assistant spend 5 hours on something that you meant as a short 15 minute project. When you give your assistant new tasks and projects make sure the information is clear and the expectations are stated.
  1. Give a bonus – Recently I had a client give me a little cash bonus and I have to say it was a great way for her to catch my attention and make sure I’m doing everything I can for her. It was a little bonus, I had billed her something like $33,45 and she paid me $35 instead.
  1. Referrals – If you’re happy with your Virtual Assistant, then send referrals in their direction. They will love you for sending them the business and surely get to your tasks quickly as they come up.
  1. Make a call – It’s a good idea to get on the phone with your Virtual Assistant at least once a month. This will again help with the communication and will make sure you don’t encounter any misunderstandings later.
  1. Say Thank-you – These three little words go a long way. If a Virtual Assistant knows that you appreciate her she will go out of her way to make sure you continue to do so.
  1. Respect their time – Everyone is short on time so make sure you put your time and the time you spend with your VA to the best of use.
  1. Tell them problems – If you have a problem come up with the results of the work you’ve been given or something your VA has done, then call them on it. Even though it’s not always easy to hear a VA should appreciate your honesty and ability to share something that could help their business and the quality of work they do for you.
  1. Give a gift – I recently had a client give me a very nice gift – it was one of her information products. While this gift didn’t cost her anything extra to give to me it still made me feel like she was looking out for my interests and really appreciates what I do for her.

What have you done lately to show your Virtual Assistant you care about them?

Contributed by member Angela Wills

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