How old is your website? Is it a few years old or brand new? Are you happy with the level of website traffic you get each month? Does your site have all the necessities to make it work for you? What percentage of conversions do you experience each month: visitors? prospects? sales?

If you don’t know the answer to these questions, you need to do an audit of your website. You can make up a checklist and answer each item appropriately. It might look something like this:

  1. Does it display your “brand” and logo?
  2. Is the title line at the top of each page SEO optimized?
  3. Is your Unique Selling Proposition (USP) prominent on the Home page?
  4. Is your contact information clearly visible?
  5. Is your “call to action” clear and relevant?
  6. Do you have relevant images on your site?
  7. Is your content clear and pertinent to the products/services you provide? Is it SEO Optimized?
  8. Is the font size big enough to read easily?
  9. Is your site designed well and have well positioned “white space”?
  10. Do you have clear messages: Bolded? In a different colour?
  11. Do you have your pages structured to make for easy viewing by your visitors?
  12. Do you have an Opt-In box to build your List?
  13. Do you have a welcome video on the Home Page? Is it SEO Optimized?
  14. Do you have a blog on your site to add fresh content? Is it SEO Optimized?
  15. Do you have RSS and Share/Bookmarking buttons on your pages?
  16. Do you offer free content: Articles, eBooks, Audios, Videos?
  17. Do you have a Site Map tab?
  18. Is the navigation on your website consistent and easy to use?
  19. Do you have testimonials on your site?
  20. Do you have links on your site and are they working properly?

Once you have gone through the above checklist, you should have a good idea of where to rate the performance of your site and what needs improvement.

To get a better idea of how to improve your site, you might want to check out competitor’s sites and how theirs compares to yours. This may provide you with some excellent creative ideas.

And, if you know you must edit your site but you don’t know how to start, consider hiring an Internet Marketing Virtual Assistant who can help you make it happen.

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