To someone who has not thought of Facebook beyond keeping their family or friends informed of their latest adventures it is hard to comprehend how social media networks like Facebook or Twitter can possibly help their business. It is also very easy to become overwhelmed when faced with the daunting task of creating an online presence for your business. Did you know many Virtual Assistants can take care of this for you?

A Virtual Assistant can help you create a social media campaign that you can follow easily. They probably will break it down into small steps that will take that overwhelming feeling away from you.

  1. Determine what you wish to accomplish. Do you want to create a client list of 250 people who subscribe to your blog? Do you wish to increase your sales by 25%? This is probably the most important step so be very clear as to what your objectives are and ensure you  and your Virtual Assistant know what they are.
  2. Who are you targeting? Know who your target market is and why you are reaching out to them. For example:  A mortgage broker may have his or her Virtual Assistant target realtors as their target audience.    Targeting others who provide the same services you do is helpful so you can share ideas, concerns, advice, etc. Know where your target audience hangs out and how to find them.
  3. Work with your Virtual Assistant and create a strategy for your involvement in social media networks. This will involve knowing which networks will apply to you or your clients and create a presence in those networks, fully optimizing every tool available. A main component of your strategy or plan is measuring the results of your campaign. How successful have you been?

By starting with the above 3 steps you will be well on your way of establishing an online presence for you or your business. Take advantage of your Virtual Assistants expertise and use every tool available in each social network. Start slowly but clearly and over a realistic amount of time you will accomplish what you set out to do – grow your business.

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