Quick Tip: Virtual Assistants Can Help You Prepare For Success

We’ve all heard that we should have a contingency plan in case disaster strikes our business. But what are you doing to make sure you’re covered if you’re suddenly swamped with business overnight? It really can be its own kind of disaster. What would...

Let Your VA Be Your Eyes and Ears

As the old saying goes, “two heads are better than one”. There is so much great information out there today whether it’s a teleseminar, workshop or conference. You know you need to keep growing and learning if you want to stay on top of your game but...

Are you excited about your business?

The life of an entrepreneur can be wonderful – most times it is. You’re in control of your own schedule, you can work as much as you want or as little (depending on your goals), you can go bigger, stay smaller, make your own rules, write your own plan and...

Facebook, Twitter and Plaxo – Oh my!

If you’re an entrepreneur interested in growing your business (which is normally the goal of all entrepreneurs!) you really should be spending a good bit of time on your social networking. The problem is, you’re too busy for that. When you’re working...

Outsourcing Won’t Make You Less of An Entrepreneur!

I was thinking today about a conversation I had a year ago with a potential client. He said he was finally going to let go of the mindset that so many entrepeneurs have. That was, thinking that he wouldn’t be successful unless he did everything himself so his...