Loyal To the Bone as Only a VA Can Be

Have you ever heard the expression – “loyal to the bone”? A quick search on Wikipedia says “loyal to the bone” means: steadfast in allegiance or duty. So why do I preface this post with that phrase, because it signifies an experience I...

Looking for a Virtual Assistant? You will need a RFP!

You have finally come to the conclusion you can’t do everything yourself and the answer is to outsource the work to a Virtual Assistant. Contracting with a VA is the best solution in helping you take care of many administrative duties and maybe look after that...

How can a Virtual Assistant help my business?

During the past few years the term “Virtual Assistant” has become more widespread and people are somewhat aware of what a Virtual Assistant is. However, they don’t always understand how a Virtual Assistant or VA can help them in their own business....

Don’t pull your hair out!

Starting a new business? Starting a new business has many challenges and the new business owner can easily become overwhelmed by all the things that need to be done. A very simple solution is to partner with a Virtual Assistant who can take care of so many of the...