Unlock the Power of SEO for Your Virtual Assistant Business

Unlock the Power of SEO for Your Virtual Assistant Business

Today, I’m excited to dive into the topic of SEO and share some valuable strategies and resources that can help you optimize your website for search engines. As a Certified Internet Marketing Business Strategist and graduate of the University of British...
Facebook Fan Pages and Necessity

Facebook Fan Pages and Necessity

It’s no secret that today is the age of social media; however, I have come to find out that throughout my dealings with Facebook, fans, business and individuals alike that it is no longer enough to just think about having a Facebook fan page, and only having a...

Social Media Evolution: The Many Changes

The majority of companies, big and small, have discovered Social Media as a very successful way of marketing their businesses and have planned their strategies and implemented plans to take their place in this exploding and popular medium. When large companies...

Time to Get Socially Serious

According to Facebook statistics there are over 500 million users on Facebook at present!  To break it down here is a small bulleted list of findings directly from Facebook itself: More than 500 million active users 50% of our active users log on to Facebook in any...

How do you handle online complaints?

Are you aware of any negative comments posted on social networking sites regarding your company? Do you even care if a client posts a complaint saying they are not happy with your product or service? If you don’t care then you probably shouldn’t be in...