Your Virtual Assistant Doesn’t Have to Live Next Door

Whether you have an established VA or are looking to hire one; you must always be thinking forward; what type of work you will assign, how you will communicate the tasks and how the work will be done. You want a VA you can easily communicate with. A VA who can follow...

Outsourcing Won’t Make You Less of An Entrepreneur!

I was thinking today about a conversation I had a year ago with a potential client. He said he was finally going to let go of the mindset that so many entrepeneurs have. That was, thinking that he wouldn’t be successful unless he did everything himself so his...

Outsource Your Higher Learning?

By ‘outsourcing your higher learning’, I don’t mean you should delegate your university education or your college assignments. That wouldn’t be ethical. But how many times have you thought something like… “I’m ready to put a...