Trust Your Gut – Obey the Spidey Sense

Sweaty palms, a gnawing nagging feeling deep in the pit of your gut that keeps eating at you, and that ‘something doesn’t feel right’ feeling are happening. It’s okay that you can’t put your finger on exactly why the alarm bells are...

The Christmas Season – and burnt cookies:

Mmm Christmas morning: Time to watch our kids open the presents we have purchased for them, and basking in the glow of praise when they eat the special Christmas morning breakfast we have lovingly prepared. For so many of us, Christmas brings feelings of warmth,...

Virtual Assistance Market Study

Recently I was interviewed by an Independent Management Consultant who was conducting a study into the state of the Virtual Assistance industry in North America. He was hoping to determine the outlook that various VAs had during the ongoing recession and further...

Are YOU Doing What YOU Love?

If you and I were face to face right now and I asked you if you’re only doing things you love to do in your business, would you honestly be able to answer yes? If that’s the case then bravo! Good for you. But I have a feeling you might be doing more in...