Virtual Assistant Training Blog

How to Find a Virtual Assistant

How to Find a Virtual Assistant

Finding a Virtual Assistant is not as hard as you might think. One thing you want to avoid are the huge VA companies that pay their contractors pennies while taking dollars from you. Instead, find an independent Virtual Assistant who either works alone or has a team...

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How to Find and Retain Clients as a Virtual Assistant

How to Find and Retain Clients as a Virtual Assistant

Tawnya's Tip: If you haven't read this post yet on where to actually find new clients read it first. 1. Understand your clients, be an opinionated expert Laser focus on exactly who your ideal client is by getting to know your audience better. When there are a lot of...

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How to Price Your Virtual Assistant Services

How to Price Your Virtual Assistant Services

Figuring out how you will charge your clients is one area most Virtual Assistants come to a standstill when they first start up their service-business. Most start out with hourly and/or retainers until they get a bit of experience behind their belt and know how long...

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Using Facebook to Build Your List

Using Facebook to Build Your List

Facebook is one of the best ways to grow your email marketing list - once you know how. It's the largest social network in the world, with nearly two billion regular users each month. It is also in the top five sites in the world, along with Google and YouTube. My...

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How to Find and Hire a Virtual Assistant